Nebraska Rural Response Hotline

from the Farm Management Wiki

In the early 1980s, financial pressure and related legal and emotional stress reached a crisis stage for many Nebraska farm families. As land values plummeted, debt piled up, and foreclosures reached a record high, Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska (IMN) took action. In March 1984, IMN began forming a coalition, not only of its member church denominations, but also of agencies and organizations with a direct interest in confronting rural hardship.

Representatives of the coalition realized from the beginning that the underlying problems leading to the crisis would not be solved overnight, nor would the groups be able to provide funds to troubled farmers. But they knew they could garner the human and financial resources to help provide sound financial and legal counsel when requested, and to respond to families' needs for emotional and spiritual support.

Sponsored by the Farm Crisis Response Council of Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska, the Nebraska Farm Hotline is one of the primary services provided by the Farm and Rural Response Network and Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska. When a farmer, rancher, or rural resident calls the Hotline, an experienced staff person will answer.

Hotline staff will:
  • Respond directly to caller
  • Spend time finding out issues and needs
  • Provide helpful information

Refer to others:
  • Financial counselors
  • Attorneys
  • Clergy
  • Other farmers
  • Mediation

Click here(external link) to access the Nebraska Rural Response Hotline
web-based resources.

Online Users

9 online users