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Operating in the face of uncertain markets – How Do We Get There?

Written by admin on September 18th, 2009

Please join the Operating in the face of uncertain markets webinar series with the excellent presentations on marketing strategies.

Wednesday, September 23, Alternative Markets: Tools for Applying Sound Business Principles by Dawn Thilmany and Commodity Marketing, Tools for Creating a Clear Road Map by Raleigh Curtis

All webinar start times: 9AM Pacific. (10AM Mountain, 11 AM Central, and 12 noon Eastern).

The Ag in uncertain times . . . webinar series continues on Wednesday/Thursday, September 16 & 17, with the second in the Operating in the face of uncertain markets “markets” series.

September 23 – How Do We Get There?
* Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University – Alternative Markets: Tools for Applying Sound Business Principles
* Raleigh Curtis, past General Manager of Mid Columbia Producers, Inc. (MCP) – Commodity Marketing, Tools for Creating a Clear Road Map.

To Participate Live in the Webinars: (no pre-registration is required – first come – 500 seats available)
• Equipment you will need: A computer that has a set of speakers and a high speed internet connection (LAN, DSL/Cable Modem, High speed wireless).
• Web link used for the entire series:
• This web link opens a screen that has the “Enter as a Guest” option selected. Use this option and enter your name and then click on the “Enter Room” button.
• The start time for all webinars in this series is 9:00 am Pacific Daylight time. Please log on a few minutes early to view information about how to ask presenters questions and to make sure your audio is working.

Prior to the meeting date and time, test your computers ability to communicate with the system we will use. Visit the link below and then click on the “Test Your Internet Connectivity” link on the right hand edge of this page. Follow the instructions provided.


The Ag in uncertain times . . . webinar series runs through December with
• Families facing uncertainty in agriculture, October 7, 14, 20, and 21
• Operating in risky environments, November 4, 11, and 18
• Pulling it all together: Managing Ag Enterprises in Uncertain times, December 2, 9, and 16

All webinars and slide presentations from Operating in the face of uncertain credit, June 9, 10, 17, 24, and September 9, 16 and 17 are available for viewing at http://www.farmmanagement.org/aginuncertaintimesenglish/. All slides presentations for the current series are posted on the day of the webinar on this same website.

For additional information email, westrme@wsu.edu or call John Nelson, 509-477-2176.


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